With real estate, people often don’t understand how an investor is paid. I mean, stocks historically provide an annual rate of return of about 10% and are low hassle. Comparatively, real estate values historically only return about 5% annual appreciation…and with more hassle! Right? So then how can real estate be a good investment? Once you know the answer to this question and act, wealth creation begins. I’ll start showing you how right now.
Archives for July 2016
Hillary or Donald: Who’s Better For Housing?
Trump has a 10-point lead on Clinton when Americans are asked about which candidate will spur higher home prices. Primary results also suggest candidates weren’t popular in places where housing prices had a strong recovery.
So of the two presumptive major-party nominees for U.S. presidency, whom do you think will be best for housing prices? The self-described successful real estate executive Donald Trump? Or the former U.S. Senator, first lady and U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton?