I am sure you've heard the expression, “Attitude is everything.” This is very true. Right now, it's simply your attitude and mentality that will give you the edge over others who are trying to invest in real estate in this highly volatile market.
You've undoubtedly heard the importance of thinking positive and having the right attitude. Most people are intelligent enough to know that this statement is true. Some people reading this will argue that a positive attitude doesn't always work. Well, maybe not, but I know one thing for sure – negative thinking and a negative attitude NEVER works! So your only choice and your only chance for success in this market are to pick the positive things in life and maintain a positive attitude at all times.
I once read a fortune cookie that said, “An optimist is someone who tells you to cheer up when things are going his way”. I know that if you are reading this article, times may be difficult and you need serious answers to your burning questions such as, “How do I profit in a slow market?” There are many answers to this question, but first I need to impart to you some relative perspective.
A History Lesson on Real Estate Cycles
About every ten to twelve years, as an average, real estate values tend to double in most major metropolitan areas. For example, in the 1920's, the original colonial homes sold for just under $2,500 in Long Island, New York. Since then, real estate prices have doubled almost eight times over the last 80 years. That averages out to a 100% increase approximately every ten years. An interesting note to this is that about every ten to twelve years, real estate values must correct before they enter their next “doubling cycle”. [Read more…]