As a member of our Investor Network, you know that I am a big fan of Robert Kiyosaki's message and mission.
Robert is the best selling financial author in the history of the world. And now he's released what he claims to be “the most important book I've ever written.“
The world's educational system is mass producing job seekers. But sadly, it isn't producing job creators. So it's no surprise there aren't enough jobs to go around.
Politicians may pander and point fingers, but the root cause of the problem needs to be identified and fixed. That's what Robert is doing is this new book and you can be a part of the solution.
Robert predicted the financial crash of the eighties. Robert predicted the real estate and financial meltdown of 2008. Now he has an even more important prediction to make. Our children's education and financial future is in big trouble!
We are not just in a financial crisis – we are in an education crisis. We can't wait and hope the school system will correct itself. As adults who care about the next generation, we must fill the void created by a broken educational system.
Lack of financial education is the root cause of the current financial crisis.
Think about your own education. Did anyone teach you how to start your own company or were you groomed and prepped to work for someone else?
What about investing? Were you coached and cajoled into working hard to get good grades and a diploma? There's nothing wrong with those things, but lenders and investors want to see your financial statements. Once again, it's no surprise that so many people fail to achieve financial independence in spite of a life of hard work.
What do you want for today's children? Even if you don't have children of your own, today's kids are your future too. After all, someone will be producing the goods and services you will need in your retirement. A broken economy can't produce enough resources for everyone.
EVERY adult should be deeply concerned about our children's future.
Right now, our kids our facing an economy which isn't producing enough jobs for everyone who needs one. And a weak labor market means lower, less stable incomes-and a life of financial frustration.
Wouldn't the world be better for everyone if today's children grow up and become true capitalists – knowing how to develop products and services the world wants and needs, creating jobs in the process, and building abundant wealth for themselves and their families?
Today, the world needs more entrepreneurs.
Unfortunately, our current school system is training our kids to be employees. There is a tremendous difference between the skills of an employee vs. the skills of an entrepreneur. And the skills required to be an entrepreneur are not taught in most schools.
Robert Kiyosaki's new book, Why “A” Students Work for “C” Students is written for adults who care about kids.
For the first time in the history of America, most parents believe their children will not do better financially than they did. Robert Kiyosaki wrote this book to help you fix this situation for the children in your life.
This is more than a book. It's a complete financial education resource. Why “A” Students Work for “C” Students comes with 18 specific action steps you can take immediately with the children in your life.
When you read it, you'll see why Robert says, “This is the most important book I have ever written.”